What We Do

With the Women:  The primary work right now is a handcraft business called Roma Rebrik (ladder).  The women are trained in sewing by machine and other handcraft skills in order to create marketable products.  They work at the Hope for Roma workshop though they may work on small products at home.

Efforts are made to build one-on-one relationships with the ladies in order to add personal influence to their lives. We have a close working relationship as well with the Lutheran Church in Rankovce, as we try to bring positive change and spiritual growth.

We offer a modified Alpha Course to a wider group of ladies in the village.  This is done together with the woman pastor of the Lutheran Church here in the village.  We have a good time of worship and teaching and sharing.  The ladies who come find it a very positive experience.


We are also beginning to train capable women in further ways in order for them to be leaders and also train other Roma women.  Generally Roma women do not have driver’s licenses.  This is partly due to the cost of driving school (ca. $500) which legally is required.  Hope for Roma has already paid for one Roma women to get her license which then gives her flexibility to drive to the city to take courses, taking other women with her.  We will be supporting another couple of women in this next year (2016-17) to get licenses in order to take classes in the city and come back to teach other Roma women.

Three women who have excelled in sewing will begin teaching a sewing course to other groups of teens and women.  This begins in the fall of 2016.

We will also start a course in autumn of 2016 for young mothers, teaching hygiene, baby care, childrearing, and making handcrafts related to the home.


Courses in jewelry making have already been offered since 2014 to teenage girls.  Some of these items have been sold.  These jewelry courses will be offered to other groups of women and girls, starting autumn of 2016.  This is taught by a very capable Roma woman.


We have also begun to give some training in gardening and animal husbandry, working with two families who will then be able to train other Roma in this practical and much needed work.


With the girls:  After several years of working with the girls we are making changes simply because they have grown older and have different needs and interests.  We will continue to do a Puppet Theater ministry with them, offer a Bible study group with them, and continue to train them in handskills such as sewing a d knitting.  They also have been learning baking skills with our German neighbor who works together with us.  Those who want to continue with jewelry making may do so.

Younger Girls:  We began a group for younger girls (10-12 years) in 2015.  This is led by a colleague, Tanya, and includes music, English learning, games, Bible story and other instruction, as well as crafts.  The girls love it.  This meets in the workshop.