Was wir machen
With the Women: The primary work right now is a handcraft business called Roma Rebrik (ladder). The women are trained in sewing by machine and other handcraft skills in order to create marketable products. They work at the Hope for Roma workshop thought they may work on small products at home.
A short time of Christian teaching is provided weekly for those who are interested.
Efforts are made to build one on one relationships with the ladies in order to add personal influence to their lives. We have a close working relationship as well with the Lutheran Church in Rankovce, as we try to bring positive change and spiritual growth.
With the Girls: The girls program, Girls Gain, is in the beginning stages. This involves girls from the Roma settlement between eleven and thirteen years of age. Currently we are meeting in small groups to bake cookies together and create esteem-building scrapbooks. As well, a time of Bible teaching and worship is included. Particularly important at this stage is building a relationship of trust with each of the girls.